25 July 2011

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

Great drama in Washington. Does anyone recall that there was a budget surplus in Washington not ten years ago? What transpired to change that is unfunded wars on two fronts, and tax cuts for the wealthy to promote growth in support of a trickle down economic theory that is a hoax. And of course the financial crisis from the banking bubble and the decline in employment and associated tax revenues.

The markets are signalling that they do not think the US will default. But as the week progresses, and if nothing changes, look for a possible flash crash to signal to Washington that their apparent nonchalance is misplaced.

They could accidentally stumble over the cliff, and there are some large financial firms and powerful people that would welcome this.

Speaking of tumbling over a cliff, Netflix is getting hammered after the bell on a brief glimpse of reality in their quarterly financial report. I spent years as a product manager, doing all the planning, operations and pricing. When I saw their new pricing proposal I assumed that they were planning on exiting the DVD business for some cost based strategic reason. If this is not the case, someone should lose their job.

If I were ever to give any advice to a leader in troubled times it is this:
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts."

Abraham Lincoln
For all his eloquence and presence, Obama is one of the more timid and abstract communicators I have seen. And this makes people suspicious of him. It makes it appear that he has something to hide. Does he even know how to use a visual aid like a chart? He needs to stop being overwhelmed by the spin in his message, and start using it to convey real information and thereby make his case. There are a few intelligent people out there, but he is losing them quickly.