Nick Laird has decided to have an open house for the subscription side of his site and unique collection of data and charts to visitors.
One week free access to Sharelynx's Gold and Silver Charts.
Click to enter. Open Sesame.
After this open house is over, you may also register for a three week trial here.
Nick is a patron like yourself of Le Café. But he also provides several of our standard charts on the sidebar for gold, silver, and oil, and charts from his site which are used in postings like those about activities on the Shanghai Gold Exchange.
There are no other commercial ties or relationship. And so I would not be in a position to answer any questions about his site. And I am sometimes remarkably, incredibly as my wife would say, ignorant of all sorts of practical things that I do not need to know and do not care about. They clutter the mind and consume valuable space.
Questions? Contact Nick here.
Nick is based on the northeastern shores of Australia, for timezone reference.