“'Simon, Simon, behold! Satan has demanded permission to have all of you, to sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail. And once you have returned, you must strengthen your brothers.' And Simon said, 'Lord, I am ready to go with you, to prison and death.' Jesus answered, 'Before the cock crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.'"
Luke 22:31-34
04 September 2018
Chris Hedges: The Collapse of the American Empire
"Corporations are not concerned with the common good. They exploit, pollute, impoverish, repress, kill, and lie to make money. They throw poor people out of homes, let the uninsured die, wage useless wars for profit, poison and pollute the ecosystem, slash social assistance programs, gut public education, trash the global economy, plunder the U.S. Treasury and crush all popular movements that seek justice for working men and women. They worship money and power.
Unfettered capitalism is a revolutionary force that consumes greater and greater numbers of human lives until it finally consumes itself.
There are two sets of principles. They are the principles of power and privilege and the principles of truth and justice. If you pursue truth and justice it will always mean a diminution of power and privilege. If you pursue power and privilege, it will always be at the expense of truth and justice."
Chris Hedges
"There was a time when I wished that I could just say that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good or some such simplistic statement, but this is no longer true for me. Today my commitment is to truth, wherever it may lead. May each of us embrace this commitment to truth, no matter what.
There is a huge task before us. Let's inspire one another to do our part one step at a time, to dig into the truth deeper and deeper, to be more and more brave-hearted, to cry and to celebrate together, and to remember kindness, courage, compassion, and love are also an integral part of this beautiful troubled world we share."
Let us pray for those whose hearts are hardened against His grace and loving kindness by greed, fear, and pride, and the seductive illusion and crushing isolation of evil.
We pray that we all may experience the three great gifts of our Lord's suffering and triumph: repentance, forgiveness, and thankfulness. And in so doing, may we obtain abundant life, and with it the peace that surpasses all understanding.
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