09 January 2023

Stocks and Precious Metals Charts - A Banquet of Consequences - CPI Thursday Morning


“Totalitarianism in power invariably replaces all first-rate talents, regardless of their sympathies, with those crackpots and fools whose lack of intelligence and creativity is still the best guarantee of their loyalty.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

“Is a people that elects as its president an icon that has never read a book all that far away from burning books itself?”

Joseph Roth, What I Saw: Reports from Berlin 1920-1933

“A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution.”

Henry Wallace

“Yet the victory of fascism was made practically unavoidable by the [neo]liberals’ obstruction of any reform involving planning, regulation, or control.”

Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation

"Words can be like tiny bits of arsenic: they are swallowed unnoticed and seem to have no effect, but after a while the toxic effect is there."

Victor Klemperer

"When humanity, subjugated by the terror of crime, has been driven mad by fear and horror, and when chaos has become the supreme law, then the time for the empire of lawlessness will have come."

Friedrich Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Das Testament des Dr. Mabuse

This remains a dangerous, highly-manipulated market.  

If you must, proceed with caution.

There will be a CPI read on Thursday morning. 

It may be leaked ahead as it was last time, and it may move markets.

Watch out for the 'tail risk.'

It was a 'pop and flop' kind of a day.   Pretty typical really for this beark market we have.

Stocks rallied hard in the morning, and then fell back to the red or essentially unchanged.

Gold managed to hang on to a slight gain while silver moved lower.

Neither has confirmed a breakout yet in my judgement from the charts.

The Dollar dumped.

Need little, want less, love more.  For those who abide in love abide in God, and God in them.

Have a pleasant evening.