17 August 2011

US Monetary Aggregates Update - Failure to Reform - At the Edges of the Policy Continuum

Dude, where's my deflation?

It may seem a little counter-intuitive, that the money supply measurements are growing strongly, at the same time that the growth of consumer credit and spending remains sluggish, with GDP lagging.

Well, perhaps not so sluggish as some might wish to portray, as show in the last chart, but certainly not with enough force to bring back jobs.  The Fed can create money but not real growth.

As a reminder, the changes in money supply are not independent, and must be judged in relation to other things in the real economy to determine their nature and its effects. Growth must match growth, and decline, decline, over some reasonable period of time and trend, in relation to population, real transactions ex-financial, or some other measure of genuine economic activity.

That is one of the better arguments, by the way, against the use of a gold standard.  To say that there is not enough gold is ludicrous, since it is just a relative thing, a matter of valuation.  The drawback is that the supply of gold seems to grow stubbornly slow, and may not keep pace with the growth of the economy in response to some event like the industrial revolution.  This could be handled by the revaluation of the gold and the currencies, so again one wonders how real the objection is.  Its greatest opposition is from those who wish to exercise a more flexible and stealthy monetary control.  

As I said I am not in favor of such a standard now, as the economies of the west are too weak to support their rigor, and they would be quickly corrupted.  A bi-metallic standard holds more promise, but that too is a discussion for another time.  These are remedies best used before the fact, and not ex post facto in response to long years of monetary abuse and distortions.

Increasing the money supply in response to a credit crisis, which the Fed is doing with historic vigor, is a blunt instrument. And despite all the so-called proofs and theories to the contrary, they said they would do it, they could do it, and so they are doing it.

There is certainly no lack of people who remain obstinate in their errors and illusions. I have a little more respect for those who try to maintain their theories while at least accepting the obvious. But unless they can create a whole of it, their theory is found to be lacking.

Money is a little esoteric I admit, but the mindsets of those who have been wrong for so long is even more mysterious to me, unless one assumes some misinformed, cultish adherence. And as forecast, their rationales and arguments are becoming increasingly hysterical, in every sense of the word. They are even reluctant and resistant to accepting any 'existence proofs.'

"...we stood talking for some time together of Bishop Berkeley's ingenious sophistry to prove the nonexistence of matter, and that every thing in the universe is merely ideal. I observed, that though we are satisfied his doctrine is not true, it is impossible to refute it. I never shall forget the alacrity with which Johnson answered, striking his foot with mighty force against a large stone, till he rebounded from it -- I refute it thus."

Boswell, Life of Johnson
Deflation and Inflation in an otherwise unconstrained fiat currency regime is a policy choice. The restraints come from any external standards including the acceptance at value of the currency by those outside the system. This is what the proponents of Modern Monetary Theory, those sons of Zimbabwe, fail to understand. At the end of the day, money printing at will must always resort to continual expansion and the threat of force to maintain its value. And when that force fails, the money fails.

The Fed certainly can do more to curtail speculation and incent real money into productive activity rather than speculation in a web of financial instruments. The Fed as bankers have rarely done well with their regulatory functions. And it would be denounced as 'political' and interfering with the [rampant fraud and looting in the] markets.

Rather it is to the governance of the nation, and fiscal and legislative policy, that the nation must turn. Unfortunately that segment of governance is caught in the same credibility trap as the rest of the country's fortunate ones who profited abundantly from the status quo and the financial bubble, and are feeling very smug about it, rationalizing self-proclaimed genius in their delusions, and 'winning.'

Make no mistake, as a policy choice deflation is possible. And for debtor nations to voluntarily choose deflation, in the artificial constraint of money and debt in pursuit of a stronger currency, without systemic reforms to address what specifically caused the recent credit crisis, is an act of national suicide. Minds fixed to extremes either can not or will not see or find the via media, the middle ground. They pass from extreme to extreme without ever finding a balance.

If one considers the Political and Economic Continuum I have constructed before, it is easier to understand this, and how the neo-liberals can become neo-conservatives, seemingly overnight.  The energy to cross the boundary from one extreme to another is less than the required energy and effort of returning to the center.  

At that end of the scale one sees only their extreme counterparts, and loses the ability to view the more distant middle ground, the vast center of society.  It is more than a willful blindness; it is a pathological disconnect from reality and the particular, an implosion of the self into a dissolute abstraction of slogans, symbols, and ideas.

And the extremes will tend towards distortion and delusion, as life does not flourish naturally on the tails of probability.  The far Left is as noxious and rarefied as the far Right.  At the end of the day, there is relatively little distance between them in terms of what it means to be specifically human.  The others, the great mass of humanity clustered at the center, becomes fully objectified, stereotyped, and statistical.  The far ends of the continuum are the well springs of the cults of death.

From a practical standpoint, central planning, whether it is performed by faceless bureaucrats or the monoplies of oligarchs, will tend to corruption and failure.
The path being pursued by some Western nations today seems to be untenable and lacking balance, and so the bleeding begins.  Crony capitalism has the momentum to create ever bigger losers and winners.  They are unwilling, and seemingly incapable of, discussing and investigating the frauds, much less correcting them. They fear to implicate themselves, and to disturb their 'good thing.'   And so they keep pressing forward to the hard stop, and the precipice.

The governance of old has tolerated the occasional bloodbath, so long as the few might personally benefit, as corrupt governments, mad rulers, and empires are wont to do. I pray not for that tragedy there, or anywhere.

Reform is the hard medicine that the governance of the country refuses to take. The failure is with the establishment as they once quaintly called it, the monied interests in a former age, and as always, the venality, blind ambition, and vanity of the privileged.

16 August 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

Silver is still struggling, but gold looks like it is getting ready to launch higher, break and run to at least 1810.

Let's see if it can do it. That will scare Benny and his Central Banking cronies.

If it does it may unleash silver, which is like a rocket when it breaks free.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

The European situation is starting to make Wall Street edgy again. The Merkel-Sarkozy proposal for a financial transactions tax especially spooked the financials.

The market is showing weakness, but there is a strong desire for it to recover. A long down or up candle this week may illuminate its next sustained direction.

"How far that little candle throws his beams!"

Wm. Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice

US Markets and Foreign Ownership, Portfolio Risk and Net Investment Position

Keep in mind that when they talk about the "US position" or the "China position" this can include all ownership, both official and private, unless otherwise specified.

I was a little surprised to see the relative size of the US equity market versus the debt markets, ex-Federal Reserve ownership.

Also a bit of a surprise was the size of European Direct Investment in the US compared to other regions. No wonder Benny felt compelled to bail out their banks.

Things to look for in these graphs:

 Since 2002, the increase in foreign ownership of Treasury bonds has been driven almost entirely by government buyers. Until the 2007–2009 crisis, the same was true for bonds issued by governmentsponsored enterprises (agencies). In the postcrisis recovery, foreign private holdings of agencies are rising,
while foreign government holdings continue to fall.

 From 2005 to early 2007, foreign governments’ Treasury purchases were driven by China’s purchases. However, China became less significant during the crisis as other investors crowded in. Today, China’s purchases have remained elevated while the rest of the world is purchasing less than during the crisis peak.

 The Net International Investment Position (NIIP), meaning foreigners’ holdings of U.S. assets minus U.S. holdings of foreign assets, has remained remarkably resilient, even though the large U.S. current account deficit reflects a steady flow of net foreign purchases of U.S. assets. This trend is likely to persist if the dollar depreciates, since dollar depreciation results in gains in the dollar value of U.S. holdings of foreign assets.

 The U.S. portfolio of foreign assets is relatively risky, with a significant share of holdings in equities that generate gains during a boom but suffer losses when crisis strikes. By contrast, foreign holdings of U.S. assets are less volatile because of the concentration in treasuries. Following a sharp decline in 2008, the U.S. net international investment position recovered in 2009 due to strong equity market performance.

The entire report can be found here: Foreign Ownershp of US Assets - CFR Chartbook

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