05 June 2012

MF Global Hid Risk To Avoid Capital Requirements While FINRA Regulators Looked On

One of the common elements in most of the great financial debacles seems, at heart, to involve accounting fraud that is tolerated and excused by all those entrusted with the safeguarding of the public interest and the innocent.

What characterizes the modern financial system, and its vast influence on the fabric of society, the political process, and the dialogues of public policy is the power of easy money, obtained through the mispricing of risk and brazen fraud, to corrupt the corruptible in every station of life, from the press corps to the politicians to the professors.

Truth, honor and goodness are collateral damage when everything has its price. Greed and selfishness abound, and the 'best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity.'

NY Times
MF Global Dodged Capital Requirements, Report Says

Under pressure from regulators last summer to increase its capital cushion, MF Global moved some of its risky European debt holdings to an unregulated entity in an effort to avoid having to raise extra money, according to a new report. The revelation raises new questions about MF Global’s actions in its last months — in particular, how it responded to regulators. The brokerage firm had previously disclosed that it had met the capital requirements, but never mentioned that it had transferred some bonds rather than raising additional money.

The shift was detailed in a report by Louis J. Freeh, the trustee overseeing the bankruptcy of MF Global. The report is separate from the one issued Monday by James W. Giddens, the court-appointed trustee charged with recovering money for MF Global’s customers.

“This strategy allowed the MF Global Group to transfer the economic benefits and risks,” thus reducing the “regulatory capital requirements,” the report by Mr. Freeh said.

Shifting the bonds to an unregulated entity to avoid capital requirements is unusual at financial firms, corporate accounting specialists say. Regulators expressed concerns about the maneuver, although ultimately they did not block it. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), Wall Street’s self-regulator, said it lacked jurisdiction to pursue the matter further.

It’s a shell game, and the problem is the regulators buy off on this stuff, and then when it implodes, they always look so stupid,” said Lynn E. Turner, the former chief accountant at the Securities and Exchange Commission. “Common sense says why would you accept these types of shenanigans..."

Read the rest here.

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Stayin' Alive

The markets are waiting for the Greek elections, a resolution of some sort to the European situation, and the Fed.

"All I wanted was just what everybody else wants, you know, to be loved.

Every man I knew went to bed with Gilda-- and woke up with me."

Rita Hayworth

As a side note, this brought back some fond memories for me. SwissAir would sometimes feature an old movie like 'Singing in the Rain' or 'Casablanca' on their international flights.

One time I was flying on the night flight from New York to Zurich with a number of professional musicians on their way to perform at the Marlborough Jazz Festival.

We had a lively good time watching Rita Hayworth and drinking some liberal toasts to her dancing prowess. It was certainly a pleasant flight.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts

Marking time more than anything else.

I recovered my computer platform from a catastrophic hardware failure.

Just one of those things.

Puzzled About QE? Watch the Adjusted Monetary Base

Quantitative easing is generally reflected in the expansion of the Monetary Base of the Federal Reserve Bank.

There could be instances wherein monetary expansion in the nature of QE could be done 'off balance sheet' in the manner of swaps, etc.

But in general, unless the monetary base starts contracting, not just stable, then QE is still in place. It can change to a form of 'qualitative easing' without affecting the overall nominal value of the base.