16 August 2016

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Stock Options Expiration This Week

As a reminder, there will be a stock option expiration this Friday.

We can probably expect some shenanigans leading up to it, although August is a sleepy month.

Stocks are largely drifting now, trying to digest a remarkable run to new highs.

The valuations look very full.  But the Fed et al. are printing money overtime.

Have a pleasant evening.

Links For Tuesday 16 August

The mechanism by which I add links to the sidebar under Matières à Réflexion seems to be broken today. This happens on occasion when the blogger platform software people fiddle with it.   I have been waiting for them to repair this, but it does not seem to be forthcoming.

So I will be adding links here in this post throughout the day.  As I recall this happened once before.

Debt Collector Thwarts Wrongful Practices Lawsuit By Buying the Lawsuit on the Cheap, Judge Agrees

TTIP:  The Suicide of Nations

Windows 10 Tracks Almost Everything You Do - Here's How to Opt Out - 'Settings' is reached by clicking on the Windows icon on the lower left

Core Consumer Price Inflation Up Over 2% For the 9th Straight Month    (It takes a policy error. Or a series of errors. Stagflation is not easy to achieve. Well done, Fed)

Industrial Production Down Year over Year, Negative Growth for the 11th Straight Month

SEC and Stock Frauds - Can This (NeuroMama) Dog Hunt?

15 August 2016

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Crossroads

Gold and silver were drifting today, along with the markets in general.

Risk is low now as measured by the VIX. But it is really not 'risk' that is being measured, but rather 'uncertainty' in the markets.

And since the markets are massively mispricing the real economy and global situation, their certainty about their own ascendancy and the enduring power of paper assets is a little less than reassuring.

Have a pleasant evening.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Bubble On

"Pride goes before its own destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Proverbs 16:18

The Empire State Manufacturing number sucked out loud this morning.

The markets overlooked it, and their certainty as measured by the VIX continued its steady increase.

With both candidates in their pockets, the moneyed interests think that they are rolling,  never prouder of their mastery of the world.

Need I say more?

Have a pleasant evening.

14 August 2016

The Bosses of the Senate

"This cartoon by Joseph Keppler, who was the, both the editor and main cartoonist for Puck, which became one of, a very popular satirical weeklies in the post-Civil War period, expresses a general public discontent and concern about the growing impact and power of large businesses in the United States in the Gilded Age, particularly as this indicates, by businesses that have become monopolies in one way or another, and their control over the political process.

This is the period of time when the Senate is beginning to be conceived of as a millionaire’s club, it’s not quite called that yet, but it’s getting there, and certainly the sort of power and influence of business has become palatable.

And this is a wonderful snapshot, if you will, of the relationship between the two, with the bloated figures, having squeezed their way through the door saying, 'Entrance for Monopolists,' and surrounding the Senate with the Lilliputian figures of the different senators, all of whom would be recognized by, by viewers because their faces are, you know, are quite realistic, and the influence is quite clear between the monopolists and their impact on the legislators who are either going to be manipulated by or intimidated by these figures.

The quote from the Gettysburg Address referred to the democracy, 'the government by the people and for the people' as opposed to, in this case, the corruption of it, which is, 'by the monopolists and for the monopolists.'"

Josh Brown, American Social History Project, City University of New York

No limits on political campaign contributions and the direct appointment of Senators by State Legislatures, which was ended by the 17th amendment, created a climate of political corruption during the 'Gilded Age.'  

Large corporate combines called 'Trusts' created monopolies using predatory pricing, anti-competitive mergers, and exclusive dealings and business arrangements.  They used the power of their enormous profits to buy key State legislatures and thereby control the Senators appointed by them.

The progessives were able to promote both the 17th Amendment in 1913 and the Clayton Anti-Trust Act in 1914, which made great strides to break up the power of the 'Trusts' and put more political power back in the hands of ordinary voters.

13 August 2016

Thomas Frank: One Market Under God-- Extreme Capitalism

"There is a lack of critical assessment of the past. But you have to understand that the current ruling elite is actually the old ruling elite. So they are incapable of a self-critical approach to the past."

Ryszard Kapuscinski

But they maintain a firm grasp on information and power, for their own sake, and sidetrack and stifle any meaningful reform.

In October 2000 Thomas Frank published a prescient critical social analysis titled, One Market Under God: Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism, and the End of Economic Democracy.

In the video below from 2015, Thomas Frank looks back over the past 15 years to when he wrote this insightful book, and ends with this observation.
"I want to end with the idea that the market is capable of resolving all of our social conflict, fairly and justly.  That is the great idea of the 1990's.  And we all know now what a crock that is.  I think what we need in order to restore some kind of sense of fairness is not the final triumph of markets over the body and soul of humanity, but something that confronts markets,  and that refuses to think of itself as a brand."
The book was not received well at the time in the waning days of the Clinton revolution and the birth of the era of the neo-cons in foreign policy and neo-liberals in economics.

This religion of the markets had yet to suffer the serial failures and decimation of the real economy which it would see over the next sixteen years.

This is an ideology, a mindset, and as Frank calls it a religion, of taking market capitalism to such an extreme that it dispenses with the notion of restraints by human or policy consideration.   It comes to consider the market as a god, with its orthodoxy crafted in think tanks, its temples in the exchanges and the banks, and its oracles on their media and the academy.

This extreme form of market capitalism, also called neo-liberalism in economics and neo-conservatism in foreign policy,  has worked its way into the mindset of the ruling elites of many of the developed nations,  and has taken a place in the public consciousness through steady repetition.  I has become the modern orthodoxy of the fortunate few, who have been initiated into its rites, and served and been blessed by their god.

It is the taking of an idea, of a way of looking at things, that may be substantially practical when used as a tool to help to achieve certain outcomes, and placing it in such an extreme and inappropriate place as an end in itself, as the very definition and arbiter of what is good and what is not, that it becomes a kind of anti-human force that is itself considered beyond all good and evil, like a natural law.

It is born of and brings with it an extreme tendency that kills thought, and stifles the ability to make distinctions between things. If not unfettered capitalism then what, communism? The adherents become blind by their devotion to their gods.

This is not something new.  It is a madness that has appeared again and again throughout history in the form of Mammon, the golden idol of the markets.  It is a way of looking at people and the world that is as old as Babylon, and as evil as sin.