17 June 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts

Gold and silver bullion are looking resilient here.

The miners continue to underperform rather badly. See the intraday commentary for a graph of this, and some speculation on why it is happening.

I think this is why some metal bulls have started to shift sector allocation from bullion to miners, but it brings a different set of risks with it.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - VIX Remains Elevated On Sovereign Default and QE3

See the intraday commentary for a size up of the market positioning and next week's events that may move it.

Moody's Warns May Cut Italy Credit Rating (On Friday Afternoon in Option Expiration)

This announcement took the wind out of the equity market's sails and added a little more edge to the upcoming Sunday evening trade.

Watch the US-EUR and EUR-CHF crosses.

Even better if you are able watch the bond spreads since they are leading the currency moves these days.

The remainder of today's trade is a bit of a throw away because of the option expiration, but next week on Wednesday the Fed should announce some decision relative to son of QE2, and on Friday the Russell is rebalanced.

Plenty of volatility coming for the traders, and headaches for investors and producers seeking a stable income. That is the US casino economy.

Moody's Press Release

Frankfurt am Main, June 17, 2011 — Moody’s Investors Service has today placed Italy’s Aa2 local and foreign currency government bond ratings on review for possible downgrade, while affirming its short-term ratings at Prime-1.

The main drivers that prompted the rating review are:

(1) Economic growth challenges due to macroeconomic structural weaknesses and a likely rise in interest rates over time;

(2) Implementation risks surrounding the fiscal consolidation plans that are required to reduce Italy’s stock of debt and keep it at affordable levels; and

(3) Risks posed by changing funding conditions for European sovereigns with high levels of debt.

Moody’s review will evaluate the weight of these growing risks in light of the country’s high rating but also relative to some credit-strengthening trends that have been observed in recent years and are expected over the coming years, such as improved fiscal governance, lower budget deficits and a modest economic recovery.


First, the Italian economy faces growth challenges in an environment characterized by long-term structural impediments to growth and potentially rising interest rates. Structural economic weaknesses — mainly low productivity and important labour and product market rigidities — have been a major impediment to growth in the last decade and continue to hinder the economy’s recovery from the severe recession it experienced in 2009. Italy has so far only recovered a fraction of the nearly seven percentage points in GDP that it lost during the global crisis, despite low interest rates, which are likely to rise in the medium term. Growth prospects for the Italian economy in the coming years will be a crucial factor that will determine the government’s revenues and the achievement of fiscal consolidation targets.

Second, there are implementation risks to the fiscal consolidation plans that are required to reduce Italy’s stock of public debt to more affordable levels. Against a backdrop of rising interest rates and weak economic growth, the government may find it difficult to generate the primary surpluses that are needed to place the public debt-to-GDP ratio and the interest burden on a solid downward trend. The adoption of additional conservative fiscal policies may prove more difficult in the near future because the current government’s electoral support is weakening, with the government facing challenges in gaining public approval for its policies. For example, the government’s recent energy and water supply proposals were rejected by popular vote.

Third, the fragile market sentiment that continues to surround European sovereigns with high levels of debt poses additional risks for Italy. The continued stability of market demand for Italy’s debt is uncertain at current yields. Although future policy actions within the euro area could reduce investors’ concerns and stabilize funding costs, the opposite is also possible. In any event, going forward, investors appear likely to differentiate more among euro area sovereign borrowers than they did prior to the financial crisis, to the disadvantage of euro area countries with higher-than-average debt burdens, like Italy.

The Almost Shocking Year-To-Date Divergence Between Gold and the Gold Miners

These are the established companies for the most part.

One can speculate endlessly for the reasons, but it looks to me that there is a paired trade going on, of long bullion and short miners. That is similar to one of my favorite paired trades this year, long bullion and short a broad stock index or the financial sector.

If this is true, if gold breaks out and the stock market recovers somewhat, the miners will play catch up.

But if the stock market falls apart, the miners are much more vulnerable to a selloff than bullion. That is the reason for the paired trade I believe.