22 August 2011

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - La Douleur du Monde - Gold to Lofty Heights

A wild day in the markets today as stocks came in much higher and then tanked, with the CDS spreads on Bank of America running much higher along with gold and to a lesser extent silver.

Financials pressed the SP 500 lower all day, and Goldman broke hard to the downside into the close as a story on Reuters suggested that Lloyd Blankfein had hired a white collar criminal defense attorney named Reid Weingarten.

On Friday Bernanke will be speaking at Jackson Hole, and the markets are looking for some indication of the latest subsidy to the markets from the Fed. If not a flat out QE3, then perhaps Benny will speak about a program to control the longer end of the yield curve.

All this uncertainty had investor flocking into the safe haven of gold sending it to the 1890's. This has been a brutal rally for the metals bears.

This Thursday the 25th is the option expiration on the Comex. I have to admit that I am concerned that gold has been allowed to rise up into the oxygen depletion zone here, as had been done with silver not all that long ago, and that applications of bear raids and margin increases will bring it tumbling back down to support.

I wouldn't try and get in front of this comet, because we are not quite sure what is driving it. Chavez' margin call on the Bank of England's gold could be triggering this parabolic run. It would nice if gold consolidated its gains soon. I am playing the markets defensively for now.

Let's see what happens.

SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - Banks Lead Shaky Market, Lloyd Hires an Attorney

A very volatile day on Wall Street as stocks came in higher from the overnight trade, but then lost their early gains and dipped much lower led by the Bank of America which is rumoured to be in trouble.

Stocks recovered their losses to be almost unchanged, but a late breaking story from Reuters quoted a 'government source' that Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein has retained an attorney, Reid Weingartern, from the White Collar Criminal Defense group at Steptoe and Johnson. Goldman plunged more than 5 percent on the news.

The action may be related to a subpoena received from Justice regarding the Carl Levin report, and possible perjury charges. Lloyd Blankfein is a Harvard Law School graduate himself, and is reputed to have a very smart legal mind. He could be acting out of an excess of caution. It is hard to imagine the Obama Justice Department actually DOING anything to any of the pampered princes of Wall Street.

Once again the markets are near the pivots and key support levels. Most likely a big move is hidden somewhere in the cards.

21 August 2011

The US Deficit In One Picture

I like this graphic for several reasons, but especially because it puts everything in proportion with regard to the US' current obligations.

One thing I would like to highlight is the large surplus funds in the Social Security Trust and others.  These were 'invested' in a special type of intra-governmental Treasury note.

These funds are not 'gone' anymore than a Treasury bond is 'gone.' It is a sovereign debt holding. If the US defaults on its debt, then it defaults. But let's call it what it is.

The Trust Funds are not the money that the government 'owes to itself.' It is a Trust fund, that is, money held by the government in Trust for others. The Trustees invested it in a special category of Treasury bonds that do not trade on the open market.

So to somehow suggest that Social Security is bankrupt now because the government spent the funds on general obligations is to assert a violation of Trust, a fraud, and a selective default on the sovereign US debt.

And do not think that the world would view it any other way, despite the spin put on it by faux economists, useful idiots, and mainstream propagandists for the money men.

Where would you think they would put a Trust Fund of this size? In a passbook savings deposit account? Federal Reserve Notes? The stock market?  It was given to the government to be invested in bonds that were judged to be the least risky form of storing that wealth.

No, the real problem is that the US has malinvested too much of its revenue in too many fruitless and unfunded projects like wars, overseas military bases, and other subsides to oil companies, banks, and multinational corporations. The partnership between the money men, their corporations, and the government has allowed corruption to grow and prosper. 

The money men and their cronies directed the peace dividend into their own pockets. And now that hard times have come, they wish to not only keep their gains but multiply them, and visit hardships on the very people whom they have defrauded.  Their greed and hypocrisy knows no bounds.
"Adversity makes men; prosperity makes monsters."

Victor Hugo
The US trade deficit and the stagnant real wage are major unaddressed problems, and has been so for the past twenty years. And those are the result of the distortions of fiat money regimes.

Reform and domestic growth is the answer to the US and UK problems, and not further looting and economic pillage of the laboring classes to provide largesse to the money men and paper manipulators.