06 December 2014

How Andrew Jackson Killed the Second Bank of the United States

Jeremy Scahill: Inside America's Secret Wars

"You're ceding your conscience to a political figure. That's what a lot of liberals have done. They've ceded their conscience to Obama because they trust him. What better person for the Empire to have sell this to liberals than a Constitutional law expert, Nobel Peace Prize-winning, first African-American President. I mean, it's incredible.

Somewhere Cheney is sitting at that ranch, or fly fishing somewhere and at the back of his head he has to be thinking, "Thank God that Obama is president," 'cause the next time a Republican comes in, and they want to do all these things, liberals aren't going to have much of a leg to stand on in saying "We're against this," because they're going to have to admit, 'Well, we're only in favor of it when our guy is in office,' and that's a pretty shameful way to dictate your conscience."

Jeremy Scahill

05 December 2014

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - It Is Whatever We Say It Is

“Now listen to the first three aims of the corporatist movement in Germany, Italy and France during the 1920s. These were developed by the people who went on to become part of the Fascist experience:
  • (1) shift power directly to economic and social interest groups;
  • (2) push entrepreneurial initiative in areas normally reserved for public bodies;
  • (3) obliterate the boundaries between public and private interest -- that is, challenge the idea of the public interest.
This sounds like the official program of most contemporary Western governments.”

John Ralston Saul, The Unconscious Civilization

"Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness."

George Washington
Belgium has come forward and is considering whether to repatriate its gold reserves.
The Non-Farm Payrolls Report Day went largely as expected.

Vile creatures lie to us, and we pretend to believe them.
It is drafty and dangerous, living in a house of cards.

Have a pleasant weekend.


SP 500 and NDX Futures Daily Charts - If You Want It Here It Is Come and Get It

"Backed not only by his party but by thousands who had belonged to other parties or belonged to no party at all, Andrew Jackson was compelled to fight every inch of the way for the ideals and the policies of the Democratic Republic which was his ideal. An overwhelming proportion of the material power of the Nation was arrayed against him.

The great media for the dissemination of information and the molding of public opinion fought him.  Haughty and sterile intellectualism opposed him.  Musty reaction disapproved him.  Hollow and outworn traditionalism shook a trembling finger at him.  It seemed sometimes that all were against him—all but the people of the United States.

Because history so often repeats itself, let me analyze further. Andrew Jackson stands out in the century and a half of our independent history not merely because he was two-fisted, not merely because he fought for the people's rights, but because, through his career, he did as much as any man in our history to increase, on the part of the voters, knowledge of public problems and an interest in their solution.

Following the fundamentals of Jefferson, he adhered to the broad philosophy that decisions made by the average of the voters would be more greatly enduring for, and helpful to, the Nation than decisions made by small segments of the electorate representing small or special classes endowed with great advantages of social or economic power."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
A reckoning is coming.  It will be the point of our greatest danger. 
And greatest opportunity if we maintain ourselves on the way of morality and justice, and avoid becoming what we hate.

Have a pleasant weekend.


04 December 2014

Free Access To the Sharelynx Chart Vaults of Data Wrangler Nick Laird For One Week

Nick Laird has decided to have an open house for the subscription side of his site and unique collection of data and charts to visitors.

One week free access to Sharelynx's Gold and Silver Charts. 
Over 10,000 charts about the precious metals.
If you get a little lost in there at first don't worry. 
It always seems like Ali Baba's cave to me.  You have to look around.

Click to enter.  Open Sesame.

After this open house is over, you may also register for a three week trial here.
Nick is a patron like yourself of Le Café.  But he also provides several of our standard charts on the sidebar for gold, silver, and oil, and charts from his site which are used in postings like those about activities on the Shanghai Gold Exchange.
There are no other commercial ties or relationship.   And so I would not be in a position to answer any questions about his site.   And  I am sometimes remarkably, incredibly as my wife would say, ignorant of all sorts of practical things that I do not need to know and do not care about.  They clutter the mind and consume valuable space. 
Questions?  Contact Nick here.
Nick is based on the northeastern shores of Australia, for timezone reference.

Bernie Sanders On The Myths, MIsconceptions, and Deceptions of Modern America