According to reports corporate insiders continue to sell agrressively into this rally, with sells outweighing buys at levels not seen since the market top in 2007.
"Because he clings to me I will deliver him; because he knows my name I raise him up. He will call on me and I will answer him; When he is in trouble I will be with him; I will deliver him and give him honor. With a good long life I will satisfy him, and fill him with my saving power." Psalm 91:14-16
According to reports corporate insiders continue to sell agrressively into this rally, with sells outweighing buys at levels not seen since the market top in 2007.
This may be a 'reflationary rally' such as we had seen off the market bottom in 2003 which precipitated the housing bubble. The rally in gold and silver with the falling dollar helps to reinforce that view. The Treasury and Fed are monetizing debt at a brisk pace. This is bullish for stocks from a nominal standpoint at least.
We are skeptical of an economic recovery, and prefer to think of this stock market action not as signalling a real bottom but as a sucker's rally in which insiders unload positions on the naive and unsuspecting who are taken in by false optimism. It is difficult to tell however, given the opaque nature of the US financial system.
The chart technicals say that if it is not a genuine renewal of the bull, then the rally will likely fail around 915-920. If it is, then it obviously may keep drifting higher along the diagonal trendlines until something dislodges its momentum.
The market will let us know which one it is reasonably soon. Try not to outguess it if you value your portfolio. This is still a "trader's market."
Our key short term indicators have not yet delivered a SELL signal.
Jamie Galbraith leaves out a couple of key component of the ramp up to this crisis.
The corruption of the political process, increasingly dependent on large campaign contributions, by the large corporate interests set the stage for the erosion of public regulation of markets and the rule of the law.
And of course, Alan Greenspan, without whom this disaster would almost certainly have not been possible.
Dr. Greenspan, at the Federal Reserve, with a bully pulpit and a printing press.
Texas Observer
Causes of the Crisis
James K. Galbraith
May 01, 2009
...This is a panel on the crisis. Mr. Moderator, you ask what is the root cause? My reply is in three parts.
First, an idea.
The idea that capitalism, for all its considerable virtues, is inherently self-stabilizing, that government and private business are adversaries rather than partners...; the idea that regulation, in financial matters especially, can be dispensed with. We tried it, and we see the result.
Second, a person.It would not be right to blame any single person for these events, but if I had to choose one to name it would be... former Senator Phil Gramm. I’d cite specifically the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act—the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act—in 1999, after which it took less than a decade to reproduce all the pathologies that Glass-Steagall had been enacted to deal with in 1933.
I’d also cite the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, slipped into an 11,000-page appropriations bill in December 2000 as Congress was adjourning following Bush v. Gore. This measure deregulated energy futures trading, enabling Enron and legitimating credit-default swaps, and creating a massive vector for the transmission of financial risk throughout the global system. ...
Third, a policy.
This was the abandonment of state responsibility for financial regulation... This abandonment was not subtle: The first head of the Office of Thrift Supervision in the George W. Bush administration came to a press conference on one occasion with a stack of copies of the Federal Register and a chainsaw. A chainsaw. The message was clear. And it led to the explosion of liars’ loans, neutron loans (which destroy people but leave buildings intact), and toxic waste. That these were terms of art in finance tells you what you need to know. ...
The consequence ... is a collapse of trust, a collapse of asset values, and a collapse of the financial system. That is what has happened, and what we have to deal with now.Can “stimulus” get us out?
As a matter of economics, public spending substitutes for private spending. ... But it is not self-sustaining in the absence of a viable private credit system. The idea that we will be on the road to full recovery and returning to high employment in a year or so therefore seems to me to be an illusion.
And for this reason, the emphasis on short-term, “shovel-ready” projects in the expansion package, while understandable, was a mistake. As in the New Deal, we need both the Works Progress Administration ... to provide employment, and the Public Works Administration ... to rebuild the country. ...
The risk we run, in public policy, is not inflation. It is lack of persistence, a premature reversal of direction, and of course the fear of large numbers. If deficits in the trillions and public debt in the tens of trillions scare you, this is not a line of work you should be in.
The ultimate goals of policy are not measured by deficits or debt. They are measured by the performance of the economy itself. Here Leader Armey and I agree. He spoke with approval, in his remarks, of the goals of 3 percent unemployment and 4 percent inflation embodied in the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978. Which, as a 24-year-old member of the staff of the House Banking Committee in 1976, I drafted.
So far the rally appears to be 9/10ths short covering and momentum speculation.
In order to proceed further and break through some formidable overhead resistance real buying by insitutions and individuals must appear and the volume adjusted cash flows must turn more positive.
In other words, so far a typically impressive bear market rally that may be getting overextended without a serious revaluation of the ecoomic outlook. Next week's Jobs Report may help in that assessment.
The insiders and hedge funds still holding equities would greatly enjoy the stock piggies (institutions, 401k's and private investors) coming back into the markets so they can continue to unload their increasingly worthless assets.
Here is the big picture. It is 'possible' that this is not a bear market which we are experiencing.
However, there is a dramatic spread between 'possible' and 'probable' that even our mighty Fed and Treasury cannot easily diminish with their printing presses.
Silverton Bank of Atlanta, Ga. fails; 30th of year
By Wallace Witkowski
4:17 p.m. EDT May 1, 2009
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Silverton Bank, N.A., of Atlanta was closed Friday by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, making it the 30th bank failure of the year and the 55th since the beginning of the recession.
FDIC said it created a bridge bank, Silverton Bridge Bank, N.A., to take over operations. The bank did not take deposits from the public or make retail loans, but was a commercial bank that had 1,400 client banks in 44 states. At the time of the closure, Silverton Bank had about $4.1 billion in assets and $3.3 billion in deposits.
The 'fails to deliver' statistics on debt instruments is almost as interesting, and a bit less opaque, than the naked short selling of equity instruments.
A "fail to deliver" occurs when someone sells an asset such as a Treasury note to another party and then does not deliver it within a reasonable period of time.
As you can see from the chart, this had become a pandemic fraud recently as investors flocked to Treasuries as a safe haven and the usual front running hedges started falling apart.
Let's see how this works, and if the 'financial charge' is more than a wristslap to the hedge funds and banks who engage in these practices.
Now, if someone could kindly turn some attention to the obvious naked short selling in commodities and equities, other than when their banking friends are in trouble, we might see a return to markets based on some reasonable approximation of the fundamentals and price discovery of value, rather than blatant manipulation of nearly everything as facilitated by the demimondes of Wall Street.
The banks must be restrained, and the financial system reformed, before there can be any sustained recovery in the real economy.New York Fed Applauds Implementation of the TMPG's Fails Charge Recommendation
May 1, 2009
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York welcomes today’s implementation of the Treasury Market Practices Group’s (TMPG) recommendation that settlement fails in U.S. Treasury securities transactions be subject to a financial charge when short-term rates are low. The TMPG worked with both buy- and sell-side market participants to address a weakness in market practices that became apparent last fall when short-term market interest rates neared zero.
The New York Fed has adopted this new trading practice in its own market operations and continues to encourage its adoption by all market participants. (The New York Fed was frontrunning Treasuries and selling them naked short? LOL Maybe they were getting tired of the abusive insider trading since they were now in a position to support the bonds. - Jesse)
"We applaud the dedicated efforts of the TMPG in spearheading the development and implementation of this targeted solution to the settlement fails problem," said New York Fed President William Dudley. "This significant milestone in the evolution of Treasury market practice demonstrates that groups, such as the TMPG, are effective in addressing deficiencies in market functioning and facilitating market best practices."
The New York Fed acknowledges all of the market participants who joined this effort to develop this new trading practice guidance. In particular, the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, the Fixed Income Clearing Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Treasury Department have provided critical support and guidance throughout this process.
"Life is a School of Probability." Walter Bagehot
This note just received from a metals trader:
"Today is first notice day for the silver futures contract. The open interest as of the end of yesterday is a good approximation for the number of contracts that will stand for delivery, as brokers typically require any longs not funded for delivery to be sold or rolled forward by the end of trading the day before 1st Notice (some require this up to 3 days before).
Comex May silver Open Interest as of yesterday's close was 4365. I don't think this includes the old CME contract, which is the NYSE Liffe contract, so this number ultimately may be low.
These 4365 contracts equate to 21.8 million ounces, or 33% of the amount of silver on the Comex that is registered for delivery. Not enough to do real damage to the Comex inventory, but probably enough raise some eyebrows around the world. I am absolutely convinced that part of this week's pure paper attack on silver was designed to discourage longs from taking delivery."
Do not get in front of this rally on the short side. It appears to be the end of month tape painting, but the primary short term trend is still up.
If we break key supports it may drop quickly.
This 'could be' an official reflation, supported by the Treasury and the Fed, such as we saw from the bottom of the market in 2003 that provoked the housing bubble. But the economy is now so crippled that we doubt they can sustain this latest attempt to cover over the rotting Potemkin economy with paper and paint.
These fellows leading us are like a more sophisticated and polished version of Bernie Madoff, full of smooth talk, impressive results and short term gains that lead to worse problems and staggering losses.
How many times can we be fooled? How many times will the world fall for this fraudulent printing of wealth?
You are not wrong; you are not alone in your thoughts. Madness is madnesss, no matter how popular it may be, appearing attractive, clever, well-presented, and enticing in the short term.